Friday, August 28, 2009

travel plans underway...oh joy & recent news

So last minute packing, off to school (I know right now, that is not exciting, so I won't bore you about my info)..lets move on to the "cultural world" and see why we humans are ruining our lives.
1. MJ's death as been ruled as a homicide now....from a drug overdose. Let the man die in peace! I'm sick of all the news and tributes and crazy information. Is he even buried yet?? His father that's a crazy about the media concentrate on him? The world forgot MJ for that he's dead...he's famous again. He was a music legend...a good father...and a person who marched to his own drum beats. He passed away....its sad...bury him and get over it. Celebrate the good times. Let the dead have some dignity.
2. Same goes for Ted Kennedy. He died from brain cancer....he led an interesting life...and now the media is just talking about all the negative aspects of his life. Once again, get over it. We all have negative aspects in our when I'm that all that matters? How about we led God decide..and if he wants..he can invite us on his own daily talk show and discuss all our shortcomings.
3. Ramadan is send all your donations to the children foundations/charities/send FOOD. There are a million of kids without food...while you gorge on samosas and chicken. Please...think about others wouldn't waste you life.
4. Stop kidnapping children! (recent case of handicapping and keeping a girl hostage for 11 years in California)It is Evil. End of story. You are ruining many lives with this horrible crime. Adopt kids if you need them...and give them a good home. I just don't understand what goes on in people's head when they try to hurt kids or their families. The world would be such a better place if we all remembered humanity and acted on civility. I gotta go back to packing and plus my cup of chai is done. Peace for now!

12:30 AM....creep up the stairs slowly

Back home, at around midnight....and parents mad. Welcome to the life of a Desi or a South Asian young adult. Early curfews....not that I'm complaining much...I'm all for discipline...but when I go visit a another city to see my friends (who I haven't seen for a year) you would think the parents would have enough trust to let me go and spend time..and come home. I said I was going for the day...but why is it bad if I'm not home by 9pm? I'm in my twenties...know how to drive...and am responsible. Never have I sneaked outside my house in the night...and today I went for lunch and dinner with my friends. Its not like I was in the middle of drug dealings or crazy rooftop parties. Just simple time for ice-cream, laughing alot when the sugar rush kicked in, cooked, and sat on the balcony and talk about the past. Now you tell this bad? I even called home to say I would be late. AH HA! Point to note. I is this such a big deal. I'll be back in school for another 4 months...stress myself out with pathology and I will gladly take a day here and there to chillax.

 Other adults praise why is that my parents think I'm a baboon who can't drive a car? I spent my whole 2 week  break going to doctors and I have one day to spend time with my friends...and all hell breaks loose. I can't even complain straight on this post, so maybe will continue this blog tomorrow. But  had a blast seeing all my old friends....brought back fun memories and made me all nostalgic now...not to mention getting lost. BUT it was fun a day....and the doctor apt earlier in the day was fine as major cause for concern.....but lets see what the other doctor has to say tomorrow.

Good Night!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

hypochondriac vs cautious

Good morning. Now, how much is too much information on this blog? If you want to know just all about me, then I'll be happy to tell you that I'm off to get an uncomfortable medical procedure done. It’s a screening rule out any cancer or whatnot. Now, what I get irritated on is how doctors scare you into thinking you have something, then you are on to WebMD to find out if you are dying. My friends call me a hypochondriac, but I find it necessary to be screened or get checkups. After all, prevention is key. Or maybe it’s the medical student know, where you think you have all the diseases you are studying? I currently am suspecting 5 right now....and after all my check-ups...none of them are right. :-)  But on my exams though, I remember the information so my grades are benefited by my hypochondriac mind.

In other sad news, Sen.Ted Kennedy has passed away after fighting a long battle with brain cancer. RIP. You never know when anything will hit you, hence, keep going to your doctors, get those check-ups and if you are like me and hate insurance companies and the end it will be worth it. So I’m off now to the doctors....will put on a embarrassing paper gown, and see what happens.(fingers crossed)

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Took me an hour

WOW...OK so I'm new to the world of blogging, yet not new to the world of opinions. First and foremost, just frustrated with the whole concept of publishing and trying to find my own blog on the internet. After 3 hours, I realized I had added an extra t in my my blog was there...I just didn't add the extra T in "with." So a simple mistake cost me 3 hours of my life...where I could have been using that time productively, say for example to wash my hair.

So now, my excitement for a blog is buried under my frustration on the whole internet publishing business, time for a relaxing bath...then its back to the actual topics/views/info along with a nice cup of hot chai later.
